Jewelry Shows and Pumpkin Painting

Jewelry Shows and Pumpkin Painting

It's been an artsy couple weeks at the Heath household! Most evenings, you can find me and Caroline sitting at a table painting or drawing (usually with a Harry Potter movie or podcast in the background!). It's fun trying new things like this!


I've been drawn to art for a couple years now (get it? Drawn to art?). It started as stress relief, and has turned into a form of self-expression that I think will always be a part of my life now. Caroline, on the other hand, never thought she had an artistic bone in her body. 


Somewhere along the line, though, she started to dabble. Maybe it started with a boss requesting she work on a chalk wall for her office, or maybe it was from instagram inspiration, but she started working on calligraphy. And wow does she have natural-born talent! It makes me a little jealous how naturally it comes to her! Here's a creation from a couple nights ago:

caroline calligraphy


Now that Caroline's busy season is done, we've had a lot more friends over as well. Last week we had a little pumpkin painting party!


heath pumpkin painting


We also had a local jewelry show all day Saturday. My favorite part of shows: the conversations! This show had people coming from as far away as Indiana, and it was an energetic and enthusiastic bunch! 

jewelry show necklaces


Well, that's all for now! Happy Halloween to everyone!



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