Did Someone Remember Bug Spray??

This past weekend, C and I took a trip with another couple to the Great Smoky Mountains. I can report that they are:
- Great
- Smoky (clouds)
- and Mountainous!
This was the ultimate in lazy weekends! I would call us all very active people, but most of the weekend we just lounged around playing board games and reading.
The cabin's outdoor handrail had a super-creative design--they took tree branches (moss and all), and wove them through the handrail.
We did soak in some of the outdoor lifestyle with s'mores by the fireplace, and a BIG ol' fire! (as they say in the south!)
We also adventured out onto Fontana Lake on the last day on our friend's boat. Unfortunately the rain decided to come and cut the time short, but it was still so beautiful and fun! Good friends are the best :)